Welcome Eva Chen, CUB's new communications and outreach intern

Published September 8, 2020
Eva joined the Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota in September 2020 as the Communications and Outreach Intern. Prior to coming to CUB, she has worked as a researcher for the Hennepin-University Partnership, where she analyzed the effectiveness of collaborations between county government and nearby universities on surrounding communities and constituents. She also conducted academic research at the University of Minnesota on projects covering minority representation in the legislature, public opinion, and political behavior.
Eva has also engaged in community outreach through various student organizations, including cultural and advocacy groups. Through meeting directly with community members and planning informative events, Eva works to find effective and tangible ways to advocate on behalf of communities within public policy as well as information access.
Eva is a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota, receiving a bachelor’s degree with a double major in Political Science and Global Studies.