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Our Mission

Affordable, reliable, safe, and clean home energy for all Minnesotans

The Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota (CUB) is a nonprofit advocate for our state’s utility consumers. We champion affordable, reliable, safe, and clean home energy for all Minnesotans.

CUB aims to be a voice for Minnesotans before utility regulators and the state legislature. We fight for affordable rates and stand up to utility companies and their shareholders. We work for a rapid, cost-effective transition to clean energy that benefits the public – including communities that have long borne the negative impacts of our energy systems.

We are a resource navigator for consumers. Our expert staff advises thousands of Minnesotans every year on their rights, resources, and responsibilities to avoid utility shutoffs or get service reconnected. CUB consultations help people reduce home energy expenses, figure out the best options to electrify their homes, and answer any home energy-related questions. We provide information and resources in partnership with communities and organizations throughout the state. 

CUB’s role as a consumer advocate drives us to address historic and persistent inequities in Minnesota’s energy systems. We seek to align power and resources equitably both within our organization and externally in the systems in which we advocate. Read more about CUB’s commitment to equity

If you or someone you know is struggling with their utility bills or service, contact us today.

Our Mission by the Numbers

People Helped

Bill savings, shutoff protections, efficiency advice, and more for Minnesotans throughout the state 


Fighting unfair utility profits, cost overruns, and other unreasonable charges