PUC decision expected on proposed Minnesota Power gas plant
September 27, 2018

At a meeting in Duluth on October 18, the state's Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is expected to decide whether to grant Minnesota Power permission to construct a new gas power plant in Superior, Wisconsin, at a cost of approximately $350 million. It's a public meeting; see details below on how to attend.
Minnesota's public utilities are for-profit monopoly companies that earn a rate of return on capital investments like this plant. The costs of the investment (and the return) are paid by electric customers through our bills. For that reason, utilities like Minnesota Power, which provides electricity for much of northern Minnesota, must get approval from the PUC before they can take on new construction projects like this one.
In this case, there are two main questions before the PUC:
- Does Minnesota Power have a need for the electricity that this new power plant would generate?
- If so, is this plant the most cost-effective option to get that electricity?