Plan Ahead: October is Energy Awareness Month
August 11, 2017
Published August 11, 2017
October is Energy Awareness Month! How are you celebrating?
October was first declared Energy Awareness Month by President George H. W. Bush. CUB, along with many of our partners, is looking forward it.
Many Minnesota companies and organizations are observing Energy Awareness Month with educational programming or efforts to help members and employees reduce their bills and the environmental impacts of their energy use.
What is your workplace, school, or congregation planning? CUB can help. Invite us to give an educational presentation or host a utility bill clinic, where our expert staff provide free one-on-one energy bill consultations. You provide the space and people, and CUB will provide lots of energy-, money-, and greenhouse gas-saving tips!
Contact Carmen Carruthers, Outreach Director, at 651-300-4701 ext. 2 or to inquire about or schedule an event.