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Minnesota Power proposes 28% rate hike

December 9, 2016
Published December 9, 2016 Minnesota Power, which serves many people in northeastern and central Minnesota, is requesting rate increases that would result in an average 28% hike for its residential customers. The utility has two requests before the state regulatory body, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). On November 2, it requested a general rate increase, proposing to hike residential rates by an average of 18%. This comes on the heels of a separate request this summer, which we've written about on this blog, to increase residential rates another 10%. Both proposals need the PUC's approval. State regulators will conduct a public process to examine the utility's requests, and CUB is already advocating strongly to protect residential customers. In the past 30 years, Minnesota Power has never received more than 66% of what they've requested in a rate case, and we will work hard to make sure no unjustified costs are put onto consumers this time. The first step is a PUC hearing next Thursday, at which an "interim" rate increase could be approved. This would allow rates to increase by a portion of the utility's full request while the full case moves forward. At the end of the case, if the final decision results in a rate hike less than the interim increase, customers would be reimbursed the difference. Are you a Minnesota Power customer? Let us know how this rate increase could affect you, and follow CUB on this blog and on Facebook for ways to make your voice heard.