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Hello from CUB Minnesota

August 31, 2016
Published August 31, 2016 Hello from the Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota! CUB Minnesota (pronounced like the animal and the perpetually heartbreaking baseball team) is a new independent, nonprofit advocate for consumers on energy, internet, telephone, and other utility issues. We work for Minnesotans to make sure utility service is affordable, reliable, and clean. CUB Minnesota was formed in June 2016 with the help of the Citizens Utility Board of Illinois. Heralded in the media as “the gold standard” of consumer advocacy, CUB Illinois has saved consumers more than $20 billion since 1984 by pushing for investments in energy efficiency technologies and cleaner sources of power, while also fighting unwarranted utility rate hikes. Here at home, CUB Minnesota will be a resource for your energy and utility questions. We’ll work with renters, homeowners, and small businesses across the state. Have a question about your bill that you haven’t been able to work out with your utility? Confused about your options for renewable power? Want to know how a bill being discussed at the legislature could impact you? Drop us a line. We’ll take what we hear from you to the legislature and the Public Utilities Commission, advocating for policies and regulations for more sustainable service in the ways that are most cost-effective for Minnesotans. You can contact us any time, and stay in touch on Twitter, Facebook and through our email newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you!