Energy Demand-Side Management Benefits Customers
December 6, 2017
Turning a light on in your home probably doesn’t elicit much thought about the amazing systems and processes that provide your electricity. The electric grid has the capability to supply nearly every American with the power they need, from charging phones to keeping homes cool on hot days, at a moment’s notice.
While it’s easy to turn that light on, utilities are working constantly to make it possible. To provide the reliability we have all come to expect, the systems must account for several factors:
- Electricity flows at the speed of light, so the amount that’s being produced by generators must match the amount being used by customers at every instant.
- Demand for power is not constant throughout the day. Utilities must manage multiple power plants to ensure you are receiving a reliable supply of power.
What is demand-side management?
Demand-side management (DSM) programs encourage customers to reduce their energy use when energy demand (and consequently energy prices) are highest, and/or shift their usage to times when cheap, renewable energy is plentiful on the grid. Examples of DSM programs include:- Energy efficiency investments
- Time-variant pricing, such as time-of-use rates
- Demand response programs