October is Energy Awareness Month
October 6, 2017
At the request of the Citizens Utility Board, Governor Dayton has declared October Energy Awareness Month in Minnesota. With this proclamation, Governor Dayton is emphasizing the importance energy plays in our lives and in the economy of Minnesota. Minnesota has been a leader in creating an energy supply that is cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable. Below are some of the specifics that make Minnesota a great state for energy:
- Minnesotans have saved more than $3 billion through energy efficiency.
- Minnesota is on track to exceed the goal of producing 25 percent of the energy in the state from renewable energy by 2025.
- The percentage of our electricity generated from coal power plants has fallen 24 percent in the last ten years.
- Minnesota was the 6th ranked state in wind power generation in 2016, with 18% of our electricity coming from wind.
- Minnesota is becoming more energy efficient. We have seen the most significant decline ever in residential electricity sales, falling 5 percent since the peak in 2013. This is even as the state's population and economy have grown.
- Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production are falling, down 17% since 2005, even as the population and economy have grown. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="321"] MN Pollution Control Agency Biennial Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report[/caption]