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Book a 2019 event with CUB

January 15, 2019

It is the new year and that means CUB is gearing up for a busy year helping people save money and energy. Hosting a CUB event is easy! Do you have coworkers or are you a part of a community group that could use some energy and money saving information? If so, contact us and we can come and provide a variety of services.  You provide the space and invite the people, and we can do the rest.  We even help you with the messaging to encourage attendance. Did you know, people who participated in a CUB energy consultation in 2018 saved an average of $150 on their utility bills? CUB’s expert staff are available throughout the year across the state and over the phone to provide free, one-on-one energy consultations. Consultations typically take 20 minutes. Attendees just bring their electric and gas bills and their questions. CUB staff will then provide a list of customized ideas to save energy and money or provide information on renewable energy options. Did you know, CUB offers presentations on a variety of energy topics across the state of Minnesota? CUB speaking engagements and energy trainings are also available throughout the year. CUB provides customized energy presentations to a variety of groups including: worksites, civic organizations, community clubs, congregations and more. Examples of presentation topics include how to read your utility bills, saving money on your electric and gas bills, energy efficiency, and energy policy and trends. We are continuously adding more topics and each presentation is customized to fit the interests of your group. Did you know, CUB is available to table at your community events? CUB staff is available to share consumer information at fairs, business functions and community events and answer energy-related questions.  We can also offer on-the-spot energy consultations.     If you or a group you know are interested in setting up an event with CUB, let us know! You can express interest by filing out our contact form on our website or by contacting our Outreach Director, Carmen, at 651-300-4701, ext. 2 or